Contrapunctus XIV (2018)

“12 oak coffins,
No memorial stones.
No documents,
An oral story by garden keepers.”

Contrapunctus XIV focuses on different characters who come together in one network of the stories through different histories, myths, stories,memories, landscapes and objects. In Contrapunctus XIV (2018) I look for the body of Johan Sebastian Bach and try to decide how to deal with the gaps and discrepancies I encounter in the stories and archives during the research.

With thanks to Nederlands muziek instituut and Rijksmuseum for their archival images. Photo’s by Arthur Cordier (the Balcony, The Hague) Installation view: presentation at The Balcony Project space, The Hague (2018), archival footage and scans of 120 mm slide film - various sizes of digtal prints, narrative on the windows.