Monument for an almost country (2016)
2016, Audio 5.26, prints of 4x5 inch black and white photographs, installation view: KABK gallery spaces, Den Haag
“The parish hall is the most extraordinary building in town. The roof is made out of heavy, zinc plates which shimmer when the light hits them. The first parade took place in this building - there was a detailed report in the newspaper about how the whole population of Neutral Moresnet came here for the presentation of Esperanto.The local band had played a piece that was composed for the occasion. It was called Amikeyo, which means ‘Place of friendship’. The crowd had cheered and roared, welcoming this new national anthem enthusiastically. It’s been said that the people believe the nation has found a new purpose and the language brings a feeling of standing strong together against the governing countries.” (narrative from Monument for an almost country (2016)
What has Napoleon Bonaparte’s defeat, a country with a circumference of 25 km, an artificial language andthe horizon in common? In this work the research focuses on the establishment of an Esperanto state in 1908, which takes place in a stateless area between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Both the creation of state borders, the creation of the language of Esperanto and the practice of Esperanto in Neutral Moresnet are structures that were imposed on people who lived in the area and did not happen naturally. Many thanks to the Museum of Moresnet, Kelmis (Belgium) & The Esperanto Archive, Vienna, Austria.
“The parish hall is the most extraordinary building in town. The roof is made out of heavy, zinc plates which shimmer when the light hits them. The first parade took place in this building - there was a detailed report in the newspaper about how the whole population of Neutral Moresnet came here for the presentation of Esperanto.The local band had played a piece that was composed for the occasion. It was called Amikeyo, which means ‘Place of friendship’. The crowd had cheered and roared, welcoming this new national anthem enthusiastically. It’s been said that the people believe the nation has found a new purpose and the language brings a feeling of standing strong together against the governing countries.” (narrative from Monument for an almost country (2016)
What has Napoleon Bonaparte’s defeat, a country with a circumference of 25 km, an artificial language andthe horizon in common? In this work the research focuses on the establishment of an Esperanto state in 1908, which takes place in a stateless area between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Both the creation of state borders, the creation of the language of Esperanto and the practice of Esperanto in Neutral Moresnet are structures that were imposed on people who lived in the area and did not happen naturally. Many thanks to the Museum of Moresnet, Kelmis (Belgium) & The Esperanto Archive, Vienna, Austria.