Mount Saint Peter (2018)

video, (2018), 1-channel, 5.48
‘To start off clear, Mount Saint Peter isn’t a mountain to begin with which already disturbs the framework I was planning to have for this work. Ok although there is no universally, generally accepted definition of a mountain, keeping in mind things like elevation, volume, relief, steepness, spacing, and continuity as criteria, following the UN En-viron-mental Programme, the lowest height of a mountain to be considered a mountain is an elevation of at least 300 meters. Therefore, due to its lacking 129 meters Mount Saint Peter would better be classified as a steep hill,but sadly Saint Peter’s Hill just doesn’t sound as imposing so, we’ll refer to is as a mountain for the purpose of this work.’
(from the narrative of Mount Saint Peter)

Mount Saint Peter is a chapter wihin The Three Stages Project.